The end of the world. The skilful task of circumventing the hijacking of the movement, by Elías Aguirre
We have been hijacked by the movement but not by the concern or the ability to imagine. We are a dancing insect complex that does not stop yet confined. It is a grotesque rebellion of the characters of the shows of Elías Aguirre during the COVID-19: 87 crickets, White Room, Entomo, Squalid Marsupial, Longfade, Fight or Flight, Flightless, Shy Blue, Sphinx Fish, Puk and Nuk, Rarewalk, Primitive Insect. ..
In the words of Aguirre: "We have been kidnapped by movement but not by restlessness or the ability to imagine. We are a dancing insectarian complex that does not stop even in its lair". In extraordinary moments like this it is urgent to develop superhero skills or to be inspired by the fascinating and much closer entomological microworld: ants that fight with formic acid, fleas with superhighs, fireflies with luminescent power, leaf insects with incredible camouflage power... Let's make use of our powerful creative anticoagulant and use languages that inhabit confined space; those languages that make us travel, heal and metamorphose. Perhaps we are facing the end of the dance as we knew it until now. Perhaps we will realise the true power of this relegated art. Maybe there is a new scenic world to be discovered. Our liberation could be accompanied by a dizzying approach to the invisible nature that reconquers the places that were taken from it. In that case, we would have the opportunity to relive experiences of the old explorers, to enter unknown and inspiring landscapes that could well be the new settings.