Cultural activities

Two Languages in Conversation: Film and Poetry Workshop by Javier Peñalosa

Two Languages in Conversation: Film and Poetry Workshop by Javier Peñalosa Lit & Luz

Through various examples and creative writing exercises, we will explore the different ways in which poetry connects with screenwriting. During the session, we will review examples of filmmakers and poets who explored both languages, such as Forough Farrokhzad, Jean Cocteau, Pier Paolo Pasolini, among others.

General Objective:
Participants will acquire practical tools to identify how poetry draws from cinematic language and vice versa. Additionally, they will write a hybrid piece that incorporates elements such as rhythm, concise language, and image description.

Materials: Paper and writing materials.

Requirements: Interest and some knowledge of poetic and/or cinematic writing.

Duration: 1 session of 100 minutes.

Number of Participants: 10

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