Chile, la memoria obstinada
Filmmaker Patricio Guzmán's filmography has been dedicated to capturing on the big screen the memory of the tragic rupture in Chile's evolution as a democratic country since the coup d'état. La batalla de Chile, an inescapable trilogy to approach the Allende government, the in situ recording of the assault on the Moneda Palace and the days that followed, has an essential place in the Latin American documentary canon. Subsequently, the director continued to address this subject in works such as Chile, la memoria obstinada (1997), El caso Pinochet (2001) and Allende (2004), among others.
Synopsis: More than twenty years have passed since the terrible event that Patricio Guzmán captured in his documentary La batalla de Chile, when the filmmaker returns to Santiago, to his homeland, to find the protagonists of his old film, those who participated in some way in that coup d'état.