Cultural activities

Tribute to Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz

Tribute to Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz desconocido

Historian Nicolas Sanchez-Albornoa was the first director of the Cervantes Institute was the chair of universities in Argentina, the United States (NYU, Columbia, Yale and Texas) and Spain. He is a firm advocate for democracy, made evident in a passage of his autobiography in which escapes  the Valle de los Caidos along with Manuel Lama. They had been kept there doing forced labor and were able to run away with the help of anthropologist Paco Benet, writer Barbara Probst Solomon and Barbara Mailer. He was exiled in Argentina for 18 years before he was again forced to run away.
We will pay homage to Nicolas Sanchez Albornoz who will be present to discuss his long journey and the intrinsic ties it has to the history of Spain.

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