III Kerouac Festival
Kerouac Festival consolidates one more year as one of the most exciting contemporary poetry festivals in New York. This third edition joins Spanish and American poetry, gathering world wide famous poets and mixing literature with music, photography, video, fashion and performing arts. This year, the following artists will visit us: Sheila Blanco- Musical poems of generation of 27 poets. Raúl de Nieves- Artistic performance about the world of fashion. The Haiku Guys- Haiku writing ad hoc. Bob Holman- Beat poet in English. Marcos de la Fuente- Beat poems with electronic music. Free admisssion. RSVP: bec3cultny@cervantes.es
Bonafide Rojas- Nuyorican poetry in English
Jose Luis Landaeta- Canvas painted poems performance
Francisco Castro- Galician poetry
Lupita Hard- Video performance
Vanesa Álvarez- Poetry action