Cultural activities

Pride Month Celebration and Open House!

Pride Month Celebration and Open House! IC

Coinciding with the end of the school year, as part of the Pride Month celebration, Pride Month 2024, we will be holding an open house that will include a lecture by Ignacio Darnaude, entitled: "Pablo Picasso, Federico García Lorca and Salvador Dalí: unveiling the Queer themes in their work." A lecture that will reveal Picasso's transformative relationship with the queer community in Paris and delve into García Lorca's equivocal relationship with Dalí. While Lorca explicitly depicts homosexual desire in his writings and drawings, Dalí's provocative surrealist works subtly hint at his own exploration of sexual identity. We will also premiere the immersive work "Miracle" by Alberto Ferreras and will feature Spanish music and snacks in the garden.

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