Cultural activities

Lorca´s Universe

Lorca´s Universe El Universo de Lorca

Instituto Cervantes presents within its program "La palabra en la música" (The word in music) the stage performance: Lorca´s Universe, in the framework of the Program for the Internationalization of Spanish Music and Performing Arts, 2023, co-organized by Instituto Cervantes and INAEM [the National Institute of Music and Performing Arts], Ministry of Culture and Sport of Spain, as part of the plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience - financed by the European Union - 

Lorca´s Universe is a dramatic musical show where all the disciplines covered by the figure of Federico García Lorca come together: his poetry, theater, music, painting and even the universe that surrounded him with testimonies from peers, countrymen from Granada, relatives, etc... Through a musician (Daniel Acebes) and an actress and singer (Lucía Espín) who will take us on a tour of poetry, music and theater that took place in various stages of his life together... we will be witnesses the particular and splendid universe of Federico.
