Cultural activities

Soccer Days

Soccer Days Vertice 360

Jorge is 30 years old, his work depresses him and his girlfriend leaves him when he asks for marriage. His friends are similar: Ramón does not know that he gets more out of what, if his women's occurrences, or his more than lost fight against alopecia; Gonzalo has been studying right for so long and looking for a girlfriend; Carlos aspires to be a great actor but has not gone from being secondary in Teletienda; Miguel is a policeman and his dream but his dream is to be a singer -songwriter. The only one who seems to take the reins of his life is Antonio, but that does not mean considering that he has just left jail. They believe that the time has come to change their lives, and the brilliant solution they find is to re -assemble the football team they had of young people, and finally win something in their life, even if it is a football trophy 7.

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