Women’s Work: Three short films from Cine Mujer
During the 1970s, feminist collectives sprang up across Latin America, creating a space in which women filmmakers could pool resources, share skills and make work addressing the issues affecting their lives. One of the most significant of these groups was Cine Mujer, who emerged from radical student politics in Mexico City in the mid-1970s and continued to make inventive, boundary pushing work for the next decade. This programme brings together three of the collective’s films, rarely screened outside Mexico, which between them tackle still controversial ideas around gender roles, domestic labour and sex work. Together these films serve as a corrective to the historical side-lining of women’s voices in Latin American cinema and beyond, drawing a line from the artistry and struggle of these second wave pioneers to feminist filmmaking today. Films in this programme are: UK Premiere.
Y si eres mujer? (Dir Guadalupe Sánchez Sosa)
Vicios en la cocina, las papas silban (Dir Beatriz Mira Andreu)
No es por gusto… (Dirs Maria del Carmen de Lara & Maria Eugenia Tamés)