Cultural activities

Rendezvous with Cinema: «The Volunteer»

Rendezvous with Cinema: «The Volunteer» Instituto Cervantes

The virtual cinema club «Rendezvous with Cinema» closes its 2024 program with The Volunteer, by Nely Reguera. The second feature film by the Spanish filmmaker—after the acclaimed Maria (and the others)—addresses the thorny issue of European refugee camps and makes the viewer, through its main character, reflect on the limits of commitment. Synopsis: Marisa is a recently retired doctor who decides to travel as a volunteer to a Greek refugee camp, where, in her opinion, they need people like her. When he gets there, it becomes clear that he has nothing to do with the others, and when he meets little Ahmed, the lines between the need to care and feel useful begin to blur. Cervantes Institute's staff moderates the activity. The meetings, which take place in a live chat, involve specialists in the film industry (filmmakers, screenwriters, etc.). Enjoy movies in Spanish!


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