Cultural activities

Esa pareja feliz (That Happy Couple)

Esa pareja feliz (That Happy Couple) Francisco Fernández-Zarza 'Jano'

After passing through the Institute for Cinematographic Research and Experiences (IIEC), Berlanga and Bardem joined the Altamira project, a production company founded by several gifted teachers and students in order to make neorealist-influenced films. For this film, the two filmmakers reformulated a previous script to debut with this traditional comedy, not alien to humanism or the bitterness of contemporary life. Starring Fernando Fernán Gómez and Elvira Quintillá, well accompanied by an endless number of usual secondary characters in Spanish cinema, this film is a critical look at the incipient consumer society that conceals, at the same time, the recognition of the vitality of Madrid's public space.

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